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Health and safety at work

Health and safety training courses

We offer three Level 2 Health and Safety training courses. See further information and how to apply here:

We work in line with our Health and Safety Service Plan and aim to protect the health, safety and welfare of all people affected by work activities for which we have enforcement responsibility which include:

  • shops and offices
  • hotels and catering establishments
  • sports and leisure and consumer services
  • places of worship and warehouses

We also aim to promote health and safety within these activities by carrying out planned projects.

Responsibility in most other workplaces falls to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Report an accident at work

Follow the link to report an injury, disease or dangerous occurrence (RIDDOR):

Report an accident at work

Risk assessments

Risk assessments are an essential part of ensuring your business operates in a safe and legal manner, so that employees and the public are protected. If you are a small or medium sized employer (SME) and have difficulty doing a risk assessment to meet the requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 visit HSE example risk assessments.

Managing Legionella

It is very important that all public, residential and office buildings manage and keep all water systems safe whilst closed or during partial shutdown.

Chartered Institute of Environment Health has released guidance to consider as a way of managing legionella before re-opening of businesses. 

The European Study Group for Legionella Infections has produced guidance on managing legionella in water systems in your businesses.

The Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group have guidance on temporary pool closures which may be helpful for leisure centres and swimming pools.

Chemicals and other hazardous substances

Information on Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Essentials:

Help and advice for businesses

Advice for small low risk businesses is available at: 

Cooling towers and evaporative condensers

Cooling towers and evaporative condensers help to remove excess heat from sites.

You must let us know if your commercial site uses a cooling tower or evaporative condenser. Please complete the form on the GOV.UK website:

Notify us of cooling towers and evaporative condensers

List of sites operating cooling towers

View our list of sites operating cooling towers: