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  4. Air quality

Air quality

We have a duty to regularly monitor air pollutant levels to assess current and future air quality.

The pollutants of concern are:

  • Nitrogen dioxide
  • Fine particles
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Sulphur dioxide
  • Benzene
  • 1,3 Butadiene
  • Lead
  • Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
  • Ozone

The United Kingdom Air Quality Strategy 2007 requires councils to improve areas of poor air quality, reduce any remaining significant risks to health and to achieve the wider objectives of sustainable development about air quality in the UK.

The reports have been prepared as part of Forest of Dean District Council's statutory requirement under part IV of the Environment Act 1995.

For more general information about the national air quality strategy visit the Defra website.

For more information contact the Environmental and Regulatory Services on 01594 810000 or email [email protected].

Air Quality Management Areas

Areas within Forest of Dean not meeting National Air Quality Standards have been declared Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs). We have produced Air Quality Action plans for these areas to find out the source of the problem and reduce concentrations of air pollutants to below National Air Quality Standards.

Areas in Forest of Dean not meeting the objective for Nitrogen Dioxide include:

  • High Street, Lydney

Guidance for planners and developers

This Air Quality Technical Guidance document for the Forest of Dean District Council has been produced to provide a screening tool to assist planners and developers in deciding when air quality should be assessed as part of the development control process. It also provides guidance for air quality consultants undertaking air quality and emission mitigation assessments, in order to protect local air quality from any impacts arising from the development.


Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas, found in small amounts in all rock and soil. Radon seeps out of the ground and can collect in enclosed spaces such as buildings through floors.

Most buildings have low levels of radon that aren't a problem and if levels are high they can usually be reduced for a reasonable cost.

Health risks from radon

Exposure to long term high levels of radon is associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer, particularly if combined with smoking cigarettes.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) advice is that:

  • homes with radon levels above the Action Level of 200 becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m3) should be reduced, preferably to below the Target Level of 100 Bq/m3
  • homes with levels between the Target Level and Action Level should seriously consider reducing their radon level, especially if they are at greater risk, such as if they are or have been smokers.

Radon in the Forest of Dean

We cannot provide information on radon levels in individual properties or specific areas. For up to date data and enquiries contact UK Radon.

Testing for radon

Most buildings have low levels of radon that aren't a problem.

Visit theĀ Public Health England website to:

  • check whether you live in a radon affected area, for a small fee
  • find out how to test for Radon in your home

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