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  5. Local Plan Second Preferred Option

Local Plan Second Preferred Option

In 2019 we identified and consulted on a range of issues and options and later in 2020, we consulted on a Preferred Option Strategy. Taking into account feedback received from those events, we have now developed a Second Preferred Option strategy, which would supersede the first. It is, however, still subject to evaluation including possible alternatives, potential sites and policies. At this stage specific sites are not identified although general areas considered appropriate for development are referred to. 

What does the new Local Plan Second Preferred Option seek to achieve and what are the key themes?

To meet the needs of the District over the plan period, the new Local Plan Strategy seeks to do the following:

  • ensure that its policies and proposals do the optimum to address climate change; 
  • protect rural areas and landscapes;
  • provide environmental protection throughout, support biodiversity and nature recovery and provide new Green Infrastructure;
  • promote Lydney as the largest of the forest towns with increased housing, employment, retail and supporting services.  Improve access to the town and support nearby settlements;
  • support the towns and villages taking advantage of the existing networks and reinforcing sustainable transport and travel opportunities;
  • achieve a high standard of sustainable design across the Forest of Dean District;
  • address local housing needs, though the provision of a good housing availability, type and total supply, including affordable housing options in locations which benefit and support local services. The new Local Plan needs to include about 7440 new dwellings for the whole district (with up to 40% of new dwellings already committed);
  • provide a range of employment and educational opportunities and ensure the policies and proposal support and encourage a strong local economy.

Local Plan Second Preferred Option July 2022

The Second preferred option Cabinet and Full Council report from page 21 (opens as a PDF) was endorsed by full council and approved for consultation on 21 July 2022.

You can also view a map of constraints (for example, conservation areas, recreation areas) and potential settlement areas. To use the map type in postcode or area. You can then zoom in and click on different parts of the map to get more information about the constraint.

A Sustainability Appraisal for Potential Large Strategic Sites is also available to view. This document forms part of a much larger Sustainability Assessment (SA) which follows the evidence gathering basis for the emerging Local Plan across the whole of the district. It is an iterative process which follows and reflects the local plan process.

The consultation has now closed. The comments received can be viewed using the link below:

Second Preferred Option consultation and comments received

What happens next?

Following the consultation from August to October 2022 the responses received were carefully analysed and considered to inform the next stage of the emerging Local Plan. A revised LP strategy was agreed at Full Council in October 2023 which will now be the subject of a draft plan for consultation in 2024.

The next step will be to progress the emerging local Plan into a draft plan after taking into consideration all the consultation responses received and further evidence base studies. This is expected early 2024 and will involve further public consultation.

The Local Plan process involves several more formal stages (view project plan), at which representations may be made before the contents of a plan are fixed. The final stage is a public examination which will examine the Plans policies and proposals.