CCTV - Privacy notice
Who we are and what we do
Forest of Dean District Council is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy for the purpose of the Data Protection Legislation.
CCTV recordings are used for public safety interests and the prevention and detection of crime. Recordings also provide enforcement agencies with evidence of criminal activity, for formal actions including prosecutions in court and identification of offenders in investigations.
These recordings contain images of the public going about their daily business as well as offenders, persons wanted and missing.
On occasions where Regulation of Investigation Power Act (RIPA) applies, this may include targeted footage of private property.
We operate CCTV throughout areas in the Forest of Dean and around our council offices. The live imagery and footage we record is used for the prevention and detection of crime and to protect public safety. Where fixed CCTV cameras are operating, there will be signs clearly displayed.
This notice explains why we ask for your personal information, how that information will be used and how you can access your records.
Any questions regarding our privacy practices should be sent to:
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Forest of Dean District Council
Council Offices, Coleford, GL16 8HG
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01993 861194
Why we need your information and how we use it
The legal basis for using the information is:
- for the interest of public safety, the prevention and detection of crime, apprehension and prosecution of offenders and for legal proceedings
- public task: the processing is necessary for us to perform a task in the public interest or for our official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law
- in some circumstances - Vital interests: the processing is necessary to protect someone’s life
The lawful basis for holding and processing the data comes under:
- Lawfulness of Processing Article 6 (section 1 e ) )
- Section 163 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
- Crime and Disorder Act 1998
- Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
- In certain circumstances - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
We also use your personal data for some or all of the following purposes:
- to deliver public services, including to understand your needs to provide the services that you request and to understand what we can do for you and inform you of other relevant services.
- to confirm your identity to provide some services.
- to help us to build up a picture of how we are performing.
- to prevent and detect fraud and corruption in the use of public funds and where necessary for the law enforcement functions.
- to enable us to meet all legal obligations and powers including any delegated functions.
- to seek your views, opinions or comments
- to send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you. These may include information about campaigns, appeals, other new projects or initiatives.
- to allow the statistical analysis of data so we can plan the provision of services.
What type of information is collected from you
We use information collected from Live video recording images of an identifiable individual 24 hours a day, body worn cameras (audio and video) worn by our Enforcement Officers and in some places, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR).
CCTV recordings are used for public safety interests and the prevention and detection of crime. Recordings also provide enforcement agencies with evidence of criminal activity, for formal actions including prosecutions in court and identification of offenders in investigations. These recordings contain images of the public going about their daily business as well as offenders, persons wanted and missing.
On occasions where RIPA applies, this may include targeted footage of private property.
The CCTV database is used to record incidents that are actioned by the CCTV control room staff. This information can be used as an evidential log if needed for court. It is also used to produce reports, charts etc for performance and intelligence purposes as well as for internal/external partner agencies and the Police.
We also share with Insurance Companies when authorised by the Data Protection and Compliance Team. It also acts as a reference for operators to use on shift handover. We will record the details of each incident, what happened, any outcomes and what action was taken.
The database also documents the location, time, date, and offender details including name, date of birth, address, mental state if relevant, racial origin and relevant Police data. We will record and share details and activities relating to those suspected of criminal offences under investigation. The database also holds information/data of callers.
Who your information may be shared with (internally and externally)
We may share some information with other organisations including:
- CCTV operators
- Internal/External enforcement agencies Trading Standards, HMRC
- Police Forces
- Fire and Rescue Services
- with members of the public under very strict Data Protection or Freedom of Information conditions
- we will also share information with Insurance Companies, but only when we have been authorised by the Data Protection and Compliance Team
- we will share details of those convicted with local crime reduction partnerships.
How long we keep your information (retention period)
The Council CCTV Cameras automatically over-write footage between 28 and 31 days after it is captured. Where authorised bodies are granted access to data collected via CCTV in order to carry out their statutory functions, then copies of the data may be made and provided securely for this purpose.
How we protect your information
We will not transfer your personal data outside the EU without your consent.
CCTV video images are recorded in real time onto a secure CCTV locked system which is standalone and not connected to any internal or external network.
We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personal data from loss, misuse, or unauthorised alteration or destruction.
Please note however that where you are transmitting information to us over the internet this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure.
We will notify you promptly in the event of any breach of your personal data which might expose you to serious risk.
Your rights
You have rights under the Data Protection Legislations:
- to access your personal data
- to be provided with information about how your personal data is processed
- to have your personal data corrected
- to have your personal data erased in certain circumstances
- to object to or restrict how your personal data is processed
- to have your personal data transferred to yourself or to another business in certain circumstances
- you have the right to be told if we have made a mistake whilst processing your data and we will report breaches to the Commissioner.
How you can access, update or correct your information
Recorded material is not provided to members of the public or media organisations for profit, gain or commercial exploitation.
This does not affect the right of individuals to access any personal data under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 or the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Recorded material may be supplied to media organisations for purposes which are specifically approved by the Council e.g. searches for missing persons and information deemed to be in the public interest. All requests for CCTV material will be in writing, logged and subject to a signed handover detailing the basis for the request and authorising officer. This process is subject to regular review.
The Data Protection Legislation allows you to find out what information is held about you, on paper and computer records. This is known as a 'Subject Access request' and applies to your CCTV data along with all other personal records. You can make a request to see footage that you appear in on our Data Protection page.
If you wish to see a copy of your records you should contact the Data Protection Officer. You are entitled to receive a copy of our records free of charge, within a month.
In certain circumstances access to your records may be limited, for example, if the records you have asked for contain information relating to another person
The accuracy of your information is important to us to be able to provide relevant services more quickly. We are working to make our record keeping more efficient. In the meantime, if you change your address or email address, or if any of your circumstances change or any of the other information we hold is inaccurate or out of date please email us or write to us at:
Property Services
Forest of Dean District Council
Council Offices, Coleford, GL16 8HG
Email: [email protected]
Further information
If you would like to know more about how we use your information, or if for any reason you do not wish to have your information used in any of the ways described in this leaflet, please tell us. Contact the Data Protection Officer
You can also complain to the Information Commissioner: