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Make a planning application

Updates to planning application fees in England
A Government draft statutory instrument has been proposed to parliament that will increase a wide range of planning application fees in England. These changes, if approved, will take effect on 1 April 2025. When submitting a planning application applicants should be mindful that the fee required will be based upon the date the council validates the application and not necessarily the date when the application is submitted to the council. For example, if an application is received on 31 March 2025 with the lower fee and the council finds that additional information is required to validate the application, and this is received on or after 1 April the higher fee rate will be applied.

How to apply for planning permission

To apply for planning permission you will need to send us:

  • a completed application form
  • the correct fee
  • plans of the site to scale 1:1250 or 1:2500
  • any relevant supporting information known as validation criteria

You may also want to get advice on your application before you submit it.

Application fees and how to pay (from 1 April 2024)

Process & return of invalid applications:  
Householder, Advertisements, Certificates of Lawfulness, Prior Notifications £50.00
Minor Applications £100.00
Major Applications £200.00
Other charges:  
Process applications not submitted via Planning Portal £25.00
Section 106:  
Registration charge £500.00
Monitoring charges:  
Less than 10 dwelling units £500.00
10–100 dwelling units £1,000.00
101-250 dwelling units £5,000.00
251+ dwelling units £10,000.00

Use the fee calculator to calculate how much you need to pay with your application. In order to pay:

  • If you send us your application through the Planning Portal, you pay online there.
  • If you are unable to pay online you can pay over the phone, call customer services. You'll need to know the correct due amount.

How to apply

Apply for planning permission

Please ensure you check the validation criteria to see what information you will need to send in with your application.

The planning portal is the best way to submit the application, if you are unable to complete this you can download a planning permission form then either post it back to us or deliver it by hand.

What happens next

We will check your application and get in touch with you if there is any information missing. A planning officer will assess your proposal and may visit the site to put up the site notice.

All applications will be made available to view and comment on through Public Access.

For most standard or small planning applications you should have a decision in eight weeks. Larger or more complex applications may take up to 13 weeks.

Some planning applications might need to be decided by planning committee. If this is the case we will let you know and invite you to speak to the planning committee.

Negotiating submitted applications

The council has recently adopted a negotiation protocol with respect to how it determines planning applications and what amendments will be accepted during the lifetime of that application. Applicants and agents are encouraged to read the protocol before submitting any application or before submitting any amended plans.

Making changes to your application

Once you have been given planning permission you may need to make a change to your application. If so, you may need to apply for a non-material amendment.

Check the non-material amendment validation criteria to find out what you will need to include in an application to make a change.

Retrospective planning permission

In some cases if you have built something or made changes without permission you can apply for retrospective planning permission.

See also

Planning application supporting information