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  4. Future Cabinet decisions - the executive forward plan

Future Cabinet decisions - the executive forward plan

The council is required to publish a forward plan of key decisions to be taken by the Leader of the Council, Cabinet, individual Cabinet Members or Officers. For more information:

The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012

In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 (The Regulations) a notice has been issued to the chairman of the Council's Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Copies of Notices issued to the Scrutiny Chairman for exempt items that have not been publicised on the Cabinet Forward Plan can be found below.

Overview and scrutiny

Decisions made within existing council policies will usually become effective immediately. However if the decision is challenged by another councillor before it is implemented it is ‘called in’ to the Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

The Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee, made up of non-cabinet members has been established to:

  • monitor decisions
  • review policies and performance
  • make recommendations for future action

The council

The council has the ultimate power to hold the cabinet to account and to:

  • make decisions required by statute
  • consider, debate and approve budget, policy and major service proposals
  • scrutinise the performance of the cabinet with the assistance of scrutiny committees
  • make appointments to committees and outside bodies
  • consider wider matters affecting the authority